MOUNTAIN BIKING: Soldier Creek Park Mtb Trails



1.5 miles of singletrack for intermediate riders & beginners wanting to step up their game & skill of riding off-road. On the other side of the street is the Environmental Center with another single-track loop that runs along Soldier Creek & elsewhere. Their is roughly 5 miles of beginner to intermediate trails throughout the Environmental Center Soldier Creek Park MTB trails even though kinda short offers some really sweet technical terrain and natural drops and can be crowded any day of the week due to its close proximity to Orlando, Winter Springs, and Sanford.


From Orlando or I-4: Take SR 434 east to SR419, tun left. Go approximately two miles. Entrance to the park is on the left.<br />From I-95: Go west on SR50, make RT on SR434 north, drive until you reach SR419, make RT, roughly two miles on left side is Soldier Creek Park. <br />From Sanford area: South on 17-92, turn left on SR419, about a mile on the RT is Soldier Creek Park.<br /><br />Trailhead is on the south side of the park or on the south end of the ball fields. Trailhead is not marked but is easily seen in the parking area at the trailhead. Trail flows to the RT of the trail entrance.<br /><br />